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This is the final piece in The Mysterial Sequence series. To receive insight and support, join us here.

I’ve spent two decades uncovering and decoding The Mysterial Sequence – a developmental pathway supporting women in the unlocking of their innate potential. It has a very intentional and powerful order, which you can sample by journeying through these blogs.

The Mysterial Sequence began by cultivating The Mother archetype so that our Radiant Presence could wrap its loving arms around us as well as others. We then brought our own Hero onto the field to perform bold and Empowered Action to initiate our projects in the world. This awakened The Father, whose order, structure, and systems enable us to navigate the halls of power and access the True Authority necessary to thrive there over time. Once solid, we could free ourselves to reclaim The Maiden and release our Joyful Creativity, reconnecting with our spontaneous nature and innovative genius. And now the fifth and final gate…

The Crone Archetype

The Crone’s capacities are flavored with a particular sharpness, clarity, and strength. Since it is the first archetype to work with both Yin and Yang energies together, the Crone is a very big energy to take in. This is not an archetype to activate carelessly. The ground must be well prepared with the first four archetypes of the Mysterial Sequence. If not—and sometimes even when—The Crone can instigate some major breakdowns before breakthrough occurs.

With a healthy inner Crone, an adult woman finds her ability to unflinchingly speak truth to power. Though it may be painful to be on the receiving end, her intention is to do no harm. She is both fierce and compassionate.

She brings the capacity to be with chaos and uncertainty, to be able to perceive that best next step in the unfolding of what is trying to emerge. The Crone doesn’t need to know more. The Crone archetype lives in the meeting place of knowing and Mystery. Synchronicities and dreams are a normal and natural communication tool. The Crone enables us to become more spiritually awake and in tune with the sacredness of all existence. She is the WAY SHOWer – guide between the realms – embracing dark and light.

The Crone allows us to have an open heart and to be with heartbreak—our own suffering and the suffering of others. She brings the strength and discernment to know what must die and pass away, even if it is an idea or a business. The Crone may even catalyze a major breakdown in your life, if that is what is required to help you move forward on your journey. She helps us to recognize death as a necessary and sacred part of life, not the enemy of it.

Being completely with what is – open to the Mystery…

She uses the language of Ritual to connect the unseen with the seen. Knows the power of Silence – knows how to act from this place of a deep Stillness… partnered with the mystery waiting for all the pieces to arrive before stepping forward.

And because of that, the Crone guides us to hold a space for something new and more effective to emerge from the ashes of the old.

The Crone Wound

This potent “wise woman” archetypal force of the Feminine has often nudged its way to the surface of our culture, only to be demonized, time and time again. Women’s natural talents for counseling, healing and sourcing community wisdom were suppressed in the 11th century when university centers of higher knowledge were founded, available exclusively to men.

And once public service required university credentials, women were effectively removed from the intellectual life of the community. Inside the paradigm of that patriarchal culture, women’s embodied ways of knowing and their ability to speak truth to power were a clear threat to the hierarchy.

Christianity retained a limited connection with the feminine as Maiden and Mother, but systematically eliminated the Crone. This happened most notably during the witch burning times of the 15–17th centuries and during the Inquisition in Europe and the Puritanism of the New World. An estimated 5 million women were drowned, hung, or burned at the stake over a period of 300 years—that’s 16,667 women killed per year—often for no other reason than just being a woman. Even surviving to old age could get you branded as a witch; that’s how threatening her uniquely powerful feminine presence was to the social order.

The core limiting belief of The Crone:
“I don’t have enough knowledge, connections or influence.”

Over-identification with The Crone archetype results in the active shadow of ‘The Hag’ taking over… 

  • Using different ways of knowing to gather information as a source of ego centered power
  • Delivering wisdom in a mean-spirited truth-telling way

Underdevelopment of The Crone energy leads women into the passive shadow of ‘The Denier’… 

  • Constant self-doubt
  • Feeling confused and powerless
  • Deferring to everyone else to tell you the truth about what is going on

These painful collective memories survive in our cells. It’s why we have struggled to be able to open our arms wide to the wise woman within. Of course, it hasn’t helped that our still mostly patriarchal culture persistently encourages women to remain maidens and mothers forever. But this is not to be. The wise woman archetype is arising now, whether anyone likes it or not. This is her time, and in this activation is where you will encounter her.

Bringing The Crone into The Light

When the light of your conscious awareness burns through The Crone shadows, the healthy Crone begins to gather strength and substance in your psyche, supporting you to:

  • Hold seeming opposites without contradiction
  • Cut away what no longer serves, or allow it to dissolve.
  • See patterns in the chaos, piercing through confusion
  • Draw upon all sources of knowing whether conventional or not
  • Stay with the not-knowing, the Mystery, if that is what is called for

The healthy Crone energy is a catalytic force, able to stand at the crossroads, synthesize complexity and bridge between extremely divergent people, worlds, and ideas so that something new and better can arise.

Deep in the foundation of your being, resonates the truth of The Crone’s liberating belief:
The Crone’s liberating belief
“I am an evolving source of Wisdom, Love and Power.”

This last initiation in The Mysterial Sequence brings a great synthesizing force in the psyche that is now able to guide and direct the other archetypal forces—knowing when to be still and rest, when to pulse forward into action, when to build and structure, when to break apart and innovate and when to turn up the heat and let things transform. You have an Alchemical Authenticity that makes you an agent of change simply by being yourself.

The Edge of Doubt

by Albert Huffstickler

There is always that edge of doubt.
Trust it, that’s where the new things come from.
If you can’t live with it, get out,
Because when it’s gone, you’re on Automatic,
Repeating something you’ve learned.
Let your prayer be:
Save me from that tempting certainty that
Leads me back from the Edge,
That dark edge where the first light breaks.

As always, thank you for exploring with me. I hope to have a chance to engage with you in this unfolding Mysterial movement.

This series is intended to whet your appetite – you can go deeper with the work in order to unravel from the shadow holdings of each Archetype and fully activate your potentiality in this life.

For more in depth exploration read:

You Make Your Path by Walking
A Transformational Field Guide through Trauma and Loss
Buy on AmazonBuy on Bookshop
The Way of the Mysterial Woman
Upgrading How You Live, Love and Lead
Buy on AmazonBuy on Bookshop


  • Chrisitne Goonrey says:

    When my mother had a massive stoke and was incapacitated, she began crying almost constantly but with no idea why. Finally, she blurted out to me, ‘No-one will love me if I can’t be useful’. It broke my heart and ever since I have been working on not being ‘useful’. She started me on my journey towards the crone right there and then.

    • Suzanne Anderson says:

      Christine…that you for sharing this poignant moment with your mother. Our culture is so oriented toward earning our place in the collective through what we do…the limiting belief of the Hero archetype…’I have to do to be of value.’ The healthy Crone archetype that is emerging now certainly values Being as well as Doing. It is so beautiful to imagine you standing for and with your Mother’s value as a being who is loved and cared for because of who she is not just what she does for others.

  • Andrea Mathieson says:

    Suzanne, this is a brilliant and comprehensive look at who and what a crone is, her light and her shadow side. Thank you for articulating this at a time when crone-wisdom and energy is essential for this stage of our collective journey. As the earth heaves in her own re-birthing process, it is the crone who understands in her bones what this process means, and it is she who witnesses the travails of earth and humanity as something new is seeking to be born. May we align, consciously and respectfully, with her presence within each of us as we move into this autumn.

    • Suzanne Anderson says:

      Andrea…how beautifully articulated. Thank you for your strong words. The Crone is able to move between the realms – in the Persephone/Demeter myth she Hekate who stands at the crossroads between the Underworld and the Upper World – and this capacity to be with the dark and with the light is profoundly required right now as we navigate through these challenging times.

  • Shweta says:

    Such beautiful insight… Just loved it..

    Thankyou for sharing 😊

  • Nadia Hikary-Bhal says:

    A person shared this post with me…as a menopause specialist, I meet many women who dread this time in their lives… deep down I have had a knowing that this is not a time to be despised yet I didn’t have the words to articulate what I felt inside… this post has helped me understand what we go through as women and I cried when I read it … thank you so much for this wisdom and knowledge … I have found the words and the information I wasn’t aware of … I will most certainly be buying your book … thank you so much 🙏🏻

    • Suzanne Anderson says:

      Thank you for your comment Nadia. I am glad that you found this perspective helpful – that women are waking up to the next level of their wisdom, love and power and awakening the Crone archetype is an essential part of the journey. Our deep dive Emergence program prepares women to do just that…every 18 months we open the doors for a new cohort of women ready to unhook from the old paradigms coded deep down in our DNA. I mention this as we launch on Feburary 18th and often at this end phase of enrollment women find our work in synchronous ways. Our book The Way of the Mysterial Woman will also be a good place to start.

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